21/03/2010 (sun), today we will climb the "puncak tertinggi in Negeri Selangor" - Gunung nuang... look like very "geng" oh..we went to challenge the highest peak in Selangor state. this idea came from Jensen again, he heard from his colleagues that gunung nuang is nice to climb, as a member of FC club & nature lover, me & fai supported this event, & started to do survey & post in facebook.
(http://www.mycorezone.com/main.php?section=resource&page=resource_view&article_id=128), this blog stated very clear about the directions, tips, compulsory items to bring, trail & etc ....
Before the exact day, we have decided that the driver for this trip will be me, but once again, I was "terkecuali" from the driver list because that midnight, it rained heavily till morning and when I woke up at 4.45am, i was a bit worry that the activities will not go smoothly, fai sms that he decided to fetch us for this time because he do not believe my driving skill.. sigh.. so he became our driver again (dedicated driver)
7am, we arrived jensen's house & had our breakfast there (thanks so much to jensen's mom to prepare the fried mihun for us.. really appreciate that!!). 7.30am, its time to start our way to our destination.
By following the direction from the blog, we arrived the entrance of Gunung Nuang at 8.45am, the way is consider quite smooth & easy, it was the same way as we went to Sg. Congkak, just it is more deeper. Before starting to hike, we have to report to the ranger office & pay RM1 per hiker, plus spray mosquito repellant & shieldtox to our shoes :P 9am, we started our journey once we step in the gate.

there is an old logging road from beginning. we walk and kept right on the main logging road & walk passed the fir trees. its a undulating trail & end up at a cement hut. after that, we followed the water pipeline, cross two 2 small streams by stepping stones, we reached Lolo Waterfall Campsite. this journey takes 2 hour to reach, so we decided to rest there & have our lunch there. We met 2 hikers which camped overnight there, they adviced us to overnight at there and then 2nd day just hike to the top. But we did not prepare any equipment to camp, so we have to make decision whether want hike till camp pacat or return. the final decision was to return because the way to camp pacat have to take another 2 hour to reach, if want return from there, around 6pm we just have back home..we will come gunung nuang for 2nd time hopefully with prepared equipments such as trekking poles n camping equipments to stay a nite there and to reach the peak.

We had a simple lunch there( bread, tuna, biscuit, powerbar, 100 plus....), rest there around 1 hour & return to entrance. around 2.30pm we reached the beginning point. hungry again.. went to serdang eat lam mee.. May Keng Cafe.. famous shop & delicious food. recommend to try it.

5.30pm, Next destination, coincident, that day is final day for international hot air balloon festival held in putrajaya. GO GO GO.. jensen & fai did not see before, so we took this opportunity to see it. Putrajaya was full of people & cars, very crowded & messy.. car shows were also held there. it was amazing & enjoyable to see those transformed cars..

the sky that time was getting darker, wind blowed strongly, the hot air balloon cant be ready to fly, we waited for around 1 hour there and at last it rained heavily, all people ran away, there was traffic jam, the heavy rain spoilt the hot air balloon festival. sigh.. so we plan to go I-city too.. since all of us have not went there before.

Around 8pm, we arrived I-city, crowded of people too.. plus it was still raining. The i-City, a retail and commercial hub with advanced information-communication infrastructure in Section 8, has installed millions of LED lights to brighten up the night. is was quite surprising that Shah Alam have this kind of good place, but it was still drizzling, so we quickly went through the place, took photos & end our trip here.

thats the whole day activities that we held, unfortunately raining so heavily, spoilt the feeling & activities whole day. For gunung nuang + I-city, we will visit for 2nd time.. =)