Fantasice Your Life~ Universal Studio Singapore
The first thing when my friend invited me to universal studio priced 72 SGD, I wasn’t really feel like joining. By that time, US was not fully operating, some of the places inside are still in test run I guess. Most importantly, I thought US was just a small place for photo snapping. Frankly speaking, not much research was done on my side.
Anyhow, visiting the Universal Studio might be a complimentary for me for not able to find Mickey in Disneyland (nearest in Hong Kong). So, I decided to join my gang for the nth Singapore trip in 2010.
We departed from Klang as early as 12 am on the 9th Oct. After picking up friends and everything, we reached Singapore at 7am. We stayed at Royal Park Hotel, Beach Road Singapore. It was a merely 10 minutes walking distance to nearest Bugis MRT. Breakfast was available at the ground floor of the hotel. After had everything ready, we went Harbor Front, Sentosa by train.
The adventures began at 10am and it was just nice as the crowd was only about to go in. Never risk yourself to buy early bird tickets on the spot as they were already sold out a day or two before your visit. US was basically made up from few attractions such as the Hollywood street, Madagascar, Far Far Away, The Lost World, Ancient Egypt, Sci-Fi City, and New York City.
Anyhow, visiting the Universal Studio might be a complimentary for me for not able to find Mickey in Disneyland (nearest in Hong Kong). So, I decided to join my gang for the nth Singapore trip in 2010.
We departed from Klang as early as 12 am on the 9th Oct. After picking up friends and everything, we reached Singapore at 7am. We stayed at Royal Park Hotel, Beach Road Singapore. It was a merely 10 minutes walking distance to nearest Bugis MRT. Breakfast was available at the ground floor of the hotel. After had everything ready, we went Harbor Front, Sentosa by train.
The adventures began at 10am and it was just nice as the crowd was only about to go in. Never risk yourself to buy early bird tickets on the spot as they were already sold out a day or two before your visit. US was basically made up from few attractions such as the Hollywood street, Madagascar, Far Far Away, The Lost World, Ancient Egypt, Sci-Fi City, and New York City.

We started off at Madagascar, Nothing special here, No roller coaster, just a river boat ride with the Madagascar stars, Alex, Marty, Melman and Gloria. It seemed bored, so we did not take that ride. The other attraction was the King Julien’s Beach Party and you would see King Julien, Alex and his gang dancing in crazy carousel. We were actually more interested to take pictures with King Julien after their street performance.

Next, we headed to Far Far Away land where Shrek and his friends came to life!! The 4D adventure was cool!! Highly rated and it was better than the Sentosa 4D motion master I guess.

Then it was the Donkey Live Show that took my attention. It was an interactive live show where the Donkey humorously chatted and made fun with the audience. There were merchandise selling goods and stuffs from the world of Shrek, being a big fan of Donkey; I ended up buying its shirt as souvenir. Another attraction there was the roller coaster named Enchanted Airways. This junior roller coaster was just nice for those who afraid of thrilling and heart breaking roller coaster ride. Then it was the Donkey Live Show that took my attention. It was an interactive live show where the Donkey humorously chatted and made fun with the audience. There were merchandise selling goods and stuffs from the world of Shrek, being a big fan of Donkey; I ended up buying its shirt as souvenir. Another attraction there was the roller coaster named Enchanted Airways. This junior roller coaster was just nice for those who afraid of thrilling and heart breaking roller coaster ride.

Coming up next was the Ancient City of Egypt. At here, I experienced the best roller coaster ride in my life, Revenge of The Mummy. It was a high-speed psychological thrill ride with sharp turns and fast reverse sections, as it pits guests against fireballs, scarab beetles and robotic warrior mummies — all in total darkness. It was so awesome!!! The other attraction was the Treasure Hunt ride. It was a long queue by then, thus, we skipped this ride. From the pictures, you can see how my friend got attacked by a mummy guardian.
From the ancient old time Mummy, we moved to a Hi-tech Galactico Sci-Fi City. Not fully operate yet, only the accelerator was spinning, yet it was enough to make my friend screaming for help.

From the ancient old time Mummy, we moved to a Hi-tech Galactico Sci-Fi City. Not fully operate yet, only the accelerator was spinning, yet it was enough to make my friend screaming for help.

Last but not least, it was the Hollywood & New York street that caught our attention! These two streets could definitely give you the best photo shootings for your profile picture. The Pantages Hollywood Theater was a life stage musical performance. I fell asleep at the beginning of the show but the ending was quite lively and they were able to lure my attention back through their energetic rock and roll dancing and singing.

Of all the attractions stated, the best show I had ever seen was the “Light, Camera, Action” show hosted by Stephen Spielberg. You would be blown away by the incredible effects whereby a major hurricane was about to hit New York City in front of your eyes!! I rated five out of five stars for this show.
Over all, Universal Studio is a must go place besides Disneyland. Either is to let you recall your childhood memory or bring you some fantasy to life before going back to reality on Monday, it is worth for a visit. More attractions are coming up in Universal Studio, such as the Transformer Roller Coaster, Bettlestar Galactica in Sci-fi City, and etc. Definitely will pay another visit here when pass by Sentosa Island. =)